Adair County Health System, Greenfield
At this time we do not have an active SHIIP--SMP Counselor in this county. Please refer to Adair, Cass, or Union Counties.
Veteran's Memorial Hospital, Waukon
At this time we do not have an active SHIIP-SMP Counselor in this county. Refer to Davis, Lucas, Monroe, Wapello or Wayne Counties.
Virginia Gay Hospital
MercyOne - Waterloo Medical Center
At this time we do not have an active SHIIP--SMP Counselor in this county. Refer to Dallas, Greene, Hamilton, Polk, Story or Webster Counties.
Waverly Health Center, Bremer
At this time we do not have an active SHIIP-SMP Counselor in this county. Please refer to Black Hawk, Bremer, Delaware or Linn counties.